While I’m in surgery today, I thought I would just share a photo. I have these grand dreams of one day being able to say I’m a photographer, but I have a lot to learn and a long road of practicing ahead of me before I ever get to that level (not to mention the fact that I can’t afford the equipment). Some days I wonder if it is worth all the time and effort or if I’ll ever even get there. Then I take a shot like this – one that just happens without even trying – and I think that maybe someday that dream will come true.
My niece Caitlin walked right into this shot and I clicked at just the right moment. Sure she has food on her lips. And I’m sure some Photoshop gurus could probably touch it up a bit, but I think it is perfect as it is, straight out of the camera. This photo is the very essence of who Caitlin is – sugar, spice, and a little mess to round it out. I’ll always remember where we were and what we were doing in that moment. That is what makes photography so much fun.

What a great picture. I was there when you shot it I believe. It turned out awesome.