One of my goals for the summer was to get Zachary in swimming lessons. He’s pretty comfortable in the water as long as he has some kind of floating device surrounding him. Arms and legs in the water are just fine, but if his head touches the water in any way, he kind of freaks out. (This makes washing his hair extra fun!)
So I decided, back in probably March or so, that he needed swimming lessons to help him become a little more comfortable and hopefully allow his head to touch the water. My mom sets a little 3 foot deep pool up in her back yard in the summer for the kids to swim in and I’d love to see him relax a bit when he’s in there.
Suddenly, it was the end of July. Summer was nearly over and I hadn’t gotten him signed up for lessons anywhere. I hadn’t even called to check prices/locations/etc. (I also failed to make the phone calls regarding preschool, but that’s another story.) Oops. Finally one day when I was at home with Evie because she was sick, I decided to call and get him signed up. I was happy to find a program that had evening lessons close to our house. Plus, it is only two days a week instead of M-F for two weeks straight like some that I’ve seen.
He finally started lessons on Monday. He was so excited and I was nervous as heck for some reason. We ended up getting there early because I wasn’t exactly sure where I was going and wanted to allow enough time to figure it out. Being early also allowed Zach some time to play around in the pool and get comfortable before he had to start.
He was a little unsure at first, but I could tell he quickly relaxed. I was a bit surprised (as was he!) that the instructor was dunking them under the water right away. As it turned out, I had nothing to fear because after his lesson he ran up to me and said, “Mom, I went under water and I LOVED IT!”
He couldn’t wait to go back on Wednesday, although I’m thinking that may have had something to do with the big slide that he gets to go down at the end of each lesson.
(My apologies for the horrible picture quality. These were taken with my tiny Pentax at an indoor pool with lots of zoom and less than stellar lighting conditions)
We’re off to the lake this weekend, where there will hopefully be lots of swimming, boating, and (if Zach gets his way) fishing. I’m also hoping to find some time to spend with my camera and will be filling the rest of the quiet moments reading Dad Gone Mad’s new book which arrived today, just in time for me to take it along.

I knew he’d do great… Yes the first thing they get them to do is put their heads underwater! when you think of it- you can’t progress to ‘swimming’ if you can’t do that single thing. When I had Paige in swimming, several of the kids had to repeat the first level (some several times) because they refused to do that one thing.
I HAVE to get Nolan in to swimming lessons soon… thanks for reminding me!
My dad taught me to swim and I just love love love it. I am happy to hear that Zach is enjoying, and looking forward to his next lessons!