I still can’t believe that a year has passed already and my baby girl is turning one today. The sappy first birthday post is soon to follow, but for now here is Evie’s first year in pictures.
Happy Birthday Baby! I love you more than you’ll ever know.

Happy birthday, Evie! If I can ever get off my lazy ass, there will be a Build-A-Bear workshop card for your mama to spend on you. *gulp*
Can I admit that I am nervous about spending it because I am afraid someone will steal it? I am paranoid like that.
What a beauty!!! i know what you mean…. they grow up so quickly…i can’t stand it.
Thanks for dropping in on my blog and entering my Cherish Bound business giveaway! ♥ check back in over the weekend and monday to see all the updates and scoop on how to get started!!
Happy Birthday little one!!
Okay blubbering mess over here. That was wonderful! I love how she went from gummy smile to a few teeth to a lot of teeth 🙂
Happy birthday Evie!!
@cagey – I almost forgot about the build-a-bear card! We could always meet up for lunch or a weekend playdate if you don’t want to mail it. 😉