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Tag: tote bag

Halloween Is On The Way

Tomorrow is September 1st which marks the beginning of Halloween shopping for me!  Before I had kids I absolutely hated that Halloween stuff was out so early every year, but now I know it sometimes takes that long to find just the right costume for your little ghouls and goblins (or you know, Princesses and Buzz Lightyears).

One thing I never can seem to find is a good trick or treat bag for my kids.  We tried several different store bought bags, plastic grocery bags, and even the cheap plastic pumpkins, but never could find something that was comfortable to carry, didn’t drag the ground (for the little ones), and held plenty of goodies.  That’s why last year I decided to just make my own.

Trick or Treat Bags

They were so fun and easy to make that I made up a bunch of them to sell and give away. My kids and my nephews all used them last year and they were a huge hit.

Trick or Treat Bags

Each bag is reversible, as shown in the pictures above. Of course they don’t have to be used as Trick or Treat bags, they make great tote bags for just about anything!

And of course the reason I’m telling you all of this, is that I have 4 of these cute little bags left over and would love to get rid of them. I’m selling them for $10 each and I have 2 each of the two designs. Size may vary slightly.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at I’ll take payments by PayPal only. If you absolutely cannot do PayPal let me know and we’ll talk, but I can’t guaranty that I’ll make an exception.

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Simple Art Tote

I’m still catching up from our trip to Dallas last weekend and haven’t had time to even thing about being crafty this week.  I have some projects waiting for me as soon as I find some spare time, but until I can get to them I’ll continue sharing some great things from around the web.

Art Tote by Five Flowers
Art Tote by Five Flowers

I found this simple art tote bag over on Five Flowers.  I’m always stuck when it comes to birthday gift ideas and this one is just perfect.  When I saw it I had one of those, “Duh, why didn’t I think of that?” moments.  My nieces and nephews can expect to receive one of these filled with art supplies when their birthdays come around again!

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The Bag Lady

Multimedia messageI meant to write about this earlier this week, but somehow let it escape my mind. A very, very long time ago I followed a link somewhere that led to another link somewhere that led to another link and eventually I found a pattern for this super cute little tote bag. I would link to it but I have no idea where it originally came from now. At the time, I had just gotten a new sewing machine and was really wanting to learn to sew so I copied the pattern and had grand plans of giving the tote bag a shot.

As usually happens with my big plans, I never got around to starting it. You see, it required me going to a fabric store and actually purchasing the fabric and supplies needed to make the bag and I never managed to find my way there until last week. I decided Thursday during my lunch break to check out one of the local fabric stores. I was on a search for some cute Halloween fabric so that I could make Zach a Trick or Treat bag that he wouldn’t drag on the ground. I was apparently a little too late to find Halloween fabric, but along the way I fell in love with some coordinating flannels and decided they would make the perfect little tote bag.

I couldn’t wait to get started on my project and started cutting the fabric that night. By the time I got all the pieces cut and the interfacing ironed on I had to quit and go to bed. I couldn’t wait to get home and start sewing on Friday. I didn’t actually get started until about 9:30 that night, but after many toddler interruptions and a couple of sewing machine difficulties, I finally finished it. My seams are far from perfect and I could have possibly measured a little more carefully, but I absolutely love my little bag. Plus, I’m very impressed that I made the whole thing from start to finish. It is my first “real” sewing project and it actually turned out okay!

I also bought enough material that I can make a second one (because I figured I would manage to screw up the first somehow) so I’m thinking of trying again and possibly doing some experimenting with the size. We’ll see how it goes!

30 Days of ThanksToday I am thankful for lazy Saturday mornings.  There is nothing I love more than getting out of bed and snuggling up with my boy on the couch watching cartoons.  It is really the only time all week that we get to just relax and be together.  We spend so much time doing this and doing that, rushing through dinner and bathtime and bedtime routines during the week.  It is really nice to just relax and enjoy being together for a couple of short hours on Saturday mornings.  It is the perfect way to start the weekend.

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