This week’s I ♥ Faces photo challenge is Pink Week to help spread Breast Cancer awareness. I’ve written before about how important breast cancer awareness is to me. My mom is a two time breast cancer survivor and she lives with the every day fear that it will come back and that it won’t be treatable the next time. I’m not ready for that day to come either.
Beyond that, I don’t ever want to see another woman have to suffer through this illness. The more aware we become, the closer we are to a cure. Women need to know the steps to take for early detection. Self exams are essential, as well as mammograms and regular check ups with your doctor. But most importantly, women need to not be afraid. We may not have a cure yet, but if caught early enough, treatments are very effective.
Ten years ago I didn’t know how long my mom would be around. I didn’t know if she would ever see my children, or even if she would be around to see me truly grow up. But she was a fighter. She fought cancer not once, but twice. Ten years later she has seen all three of her children get married and has six grandchildren to celebrate her life with.
This week’s I ♥ Faces challenge is dedicated to my mom. Each year the office park where my mom and I work turns the fountain pink for October and I knew I wanted that to be a part of my photo. Of course I also wanted to include my mom in the photo. It didn’t turn out exactly the way I had it planned out in my mind, but this was the closest I got.
Please be sure to check out some of the other photo entries this week. There are some amazing photos.