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Tag: photography


zach_xmas07 012One of the projects I decided to embark on this weekend was taking pictures for our annual Christmas card.  I thought I would save a little money by taking some photos of my own instead of going the professional route.  I’m very much an amateur when it comes to photography, but I really enjoy playing with the camera and seeing just what I can come up with.

I tried to set everything up just right before I got Zach in front of the camera.  I picked the brightest room of the house, opened the blinds on all the windows, and set up my background.  The only thing I didn’t account for was the attention span of a toddler.

In the few minutes that he allowed me to snap photos, he quickly lost interest.  He certainly didn’t allow me the time to try to adjust for shadows and the like.  Because of that, most of the photos didn’t come out the way I wanted them to.  Out of about fifty, I ended up with two or three really great shots and several more really good shots that I may be able to salvage with some creative work in Photoshop.

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