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21 Weeks Down, 19 To Go

21 Weeks

Baby G is growing quite well these days, as evidenced by the hugeness of my belly. My sister even commented today on how much bigger I am looking.

As the baby grows, I feel her squirming around more and more. Moves that were only small flutters a couple of weeks ago now startle me as I’m not expecting such strong motion. She tends to move around more when I’m being active. She also appears to like country music. When we were at the Garth Brooks concert last week, she was the most active I’ve felt her so far. She was kicking and squirming so hard that I even felt the movement on my hand for a few seconds.

I’m glad to finally be past the halfway point in this pregnancy.  Things will be very busy between now and Christmas so the time will go by fast.  Then we’ll have just three more short months and my precious baby will be here.  It is almost hard to believe that it’s coming up so fast.

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Lunch with Toddlers

Multimedia messageToday I got the pleasure of going to school and eating lunch with Zach. They had a parents luncheon for Thanksgiving where all the parents got to come have lunch with their kids. It was chaotic to say the least. Sitting at a table with 8 two-year-olds was an experience that I’ve never really had before. In between every bite I could shove in my mouth were requests for more juice or mac and cheese, which were the two most popular things at our table.

The food was actually quite good but the dessert table was the most impressive. I had a hard time choosing between the many cakes, pies, and cookies spread out. I ended up with samples of peach cobbler, apple pie, some kind of brownie/cookie concoction, and a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie.

Multimedia messageI was also impressed with the table decorations, although I have to say that candles, tablecloths, and toddlers don’t really mix well. The kids had the candles blown out within a few minutes and the tablecloths barely managed to stay on the table.

The whole thing really was fun though.  I loved seeing how excited Zach was when I showed up for lunch.  Only a couple of other parents showed up for his class so they were all calling me “mom” for a while.  The hard part came when I had to leave and go back to work.  Zach wasn’t at all happy that I was leaving and didn’t want to let go.  Eventually a teacher had to come peel him off of me so I could escape.

I’m really thankful that I have a boss that is so flexible and allowed me to take an extra hour at lunch so I could be with Zach.  I really had a great time and I know Zach enjoyed me being there.

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Late Night Ramblings

I’ve had a post in my mind all day that I want to write, but somehow I can’t find the words to write it quite yet. It certainly doesn’t help that I had to spend an hour fighting with my obstinate son just to get him to go to bed. Somehow in the process I lost all of the thoughts that were written out in my head. Hopefully that post will still be coming but I just don’t have it in me to write it tonight.

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Instead I’ll let you contemplate on just how in the world this boy with such an adorable little face can turn into a demon every night when bed time comes around.  It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to get him to bed, depending on what kind of mood he is in.  We have a routine set in place, but no matter how hard I try to stick to the routine, he’ll always find a way to break it up.  I’ve even gone so far as to use Super Nanny methods of keeping him in bed but so far it hasn’t worked.  Perhaps I’m just not strict enough.

One of his biggest excuses for getting out of bed is that he’s scared and with the recent onslaught of night terrors and bad dreams, I can’t seem to let that go.  How do you really know if a 2-year-old is scared or if he’s just trying to convince you to let him stay up a little longer?  I want to believe him and comfort him, but I don’t want to let him totally play me either.  On top of that, I really need to get some sleep myself and the recent routine has really thrown my evenings off.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for.  I know there is no magic answer and I know that I’m just going to have to be firm and wait out this phase.  I just hate it when I get to the point where I feel like I’m losing control and I’ve gotten to that point more than once lately.   And now I’m rambling on when I should be getting myself to bed and getting some sleep.

Please just tell me that this will end, preferably before I have my hands full with an infant.

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The Rule of Six

It’s funny how you can twist and turn and wind around this great big thing called the internet.  A few days ago instance, I received an e-mail notification of a new follower on Twitter. I didn’t recognize the name, so I followed the link to her blog to see who it was. As I scanned through the posts, I discovered a post about the Rule of Six. It looked like an interesting concept, so I kept following link after link until I finally got to the original source.

The concept seems to be discussed mostly on homeschooling sites, but it got me to thinking about how I might incorporate it into my own family life. Basically, the Rule of Six is a list of things that you feel should be part of your child’s life on a daily basis. It can be something as simple as “read a book” or something a little more meaningful such as “spend time in prayer”. It can be anything as long as it is important to you and your family. Oh, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be six things. Your list can be as long or as short as you like.

I’ve done a lot of thinking on this and would like to share my own Rule of Five (Yes, five. The number suited me better than six.). I have kept it pretty general because the way these things are expressed can change greatly. I think we do most of these things on a daily basis already, but I hope that formalizing it a little more will help me on days when I’m feeling a little lazy.

I’m sure as time goes on and my children get older that some items on the list may change, but for now these are the things I want to focus on. If you decide to join in and make your own list, please let me know so I can check it out. You might also want to add it to the Rule of Six blog carnival going on here.

Here’s my list:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Prayer
  3. Affection
  4. Kindness
  5. Gratitude
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Change of Plans

As usual, our weekend didn’t exactly go as planned. I got a phone call at work on Friday saying Zach was sick and I needed to come pick him up. All afternoon he seemed perfectly fine, so we went out for a bit to run errands and grab some dinner. As I said, everything seemed fine…until he woke up at 5:00 in the morning covered in puke. Needless to say that was a bit of a rude awakening.

nov_07 200Besides the fact that I hate my boy being sick, I was really bummed because we had big plans for the day. I had some shopping and errands to do, and then we were supposed to go to the circus with my sister and her family. I was really excited about the circus because I thought Zach would really enjoy it this year. We’ve taken him the last two years and while he did get into it last year, he didn’t really understand what was going on.

Instead of going on with our plans, we slept in and bummed around the house all day. As I was putting away some of Zach’s clothes I suddenly got motivated to clean out his closet.nov_07 197 I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to squeeze clothing for another little human into our already scarce closet space. Zach and Hubby are already sharing a closet and no matter how hard I try I can’t condense enough to give up any of my closet space.

I spent most of the morning organizing and cleaning out the closet, then made a trip to Wal-Mart for a few things. I ended up getting Baby G some plastic drawers that will serve as her dresser until we can get something better. Now they are just waiting to be filled with adorable little girl clothes. The rest of her clothes will have to hang with Zach’s, but there is still some space in the back of the closet so that shouldn’t be a problem. As you can see from the picture, I didn’t get around to the top shelf, which is still a mess but it’s a start. I do still have another four months before I need to even worry about this anyway.

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As it turned out, Zach was fine the rest of the day. He was jumping around, dancing, playing, and having a grand old time. We probably could have gone ahead with our plans, but it wasn’t such a bad day anyway.

What I’m most thankful for at the end of the day, every day, is this smile:

Before the Cut

Okay, so maybe not that exact smile because he was really cheesing it up here, but you get the point.  No matter how bad my day may be, or how many tantrums I have to sit through, that smile makes every minute worth it.

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Because I Can't Resist A Good Sale

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I’m trying so hard to resist, but I’ve waited so long to be able to buy cute little girl clothes that I just can’t help myself (and this doesn’t even include the ones my mom bought!). Besides that, I’ve never been able to pass by a clearance rack without at least checking it out. I don’t think Baby G will ever be wanting for clothes.

30 Days of Thanks Today I’m thankful for my brother.  He celebrates his 25th birthday today and even though I still think of him as a kid most of the time, I’ve also very proud of the man that he has become over the last few years.  I can’t wait to watch as he becomes a father next month.  I’m anxious for him to experience the joy that is parenthood and look forward to our little girls growing up together.  Happy Birthday Bro!

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