He won’t let me take a decent photo of him anymore. I get silly faces or poses every time.
He knows more than mom and dad all of a sudden and is very unhappy when we tell him otherwise.
He doesn’t like loud noises unless he is the one making them.
He would eat nothing but bologna and cheese sandwiches if we let him get away with it.
He would wear only sweatpants and t-shirts if it weren’t for the required school uniform.
He loves his family immensely, including his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
He is incredibly smart, and is now reading and writing words and sentences.
He is better at video games than I am.
He is obsessed with all things Mario and Luigi.
He adores his little sister, even though when asked he’ll tell you he doesn’t like her.
He is still so little and vulnerable, even though he tries to act tough.
He is learning to deal with his anger in more appropriate ways.
He has almost made it through a full year of kindergarten, even though it has been scary and difficult.
He has started trying new foods again, even though 9 times out of 10 he’ll spit them right back out.
He wore blue jeans for the first time in over a year yesterday, because I asked him to for his school pictures. He didn’t complain and decided they weren’t so bad.
He held his little sister’s hand this morning when she was scared to go down the stairs by herself, and then opened the car door for her. This was after he corrected her for not saying please when she asked me for her cereal.
He is growing up, whether I like it or not.
He makes my heart swell with pride.
The last year has been a difficult one, but I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know if it is the OT sessions, the adaptations we’ve made both at home and at school, or just simply maturity on his part, but I’ve gone from feeling helpless to hopeful and that’s enough to get me through.