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Excuse me while I get all mommy-bloggerish and weepy on you, but this little chunk of love –
zach 089

has suddenly turned into this gigantic six-year-old boy (ok, so he’s not officially six until Sunday, but still!). SIX!

It’s like I blinked and all of a sudden here we are. We’ll be spending the weekend celebrating his six-year-oldness and I’m just sitting here in disbelief that six years can go by so fast. Six years of crazy ups and downs, but mostly six years of the most amazing love I’ve ever known. That boy holds my heart in his hands for sure.

(And by the way, that first picture up there is part of the set that really convinced me I wanted to learn photography someday. I think I’ve come a long way since then!)

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The Boy


He won’t let me take a decent photo of him anymore. I get silly faces or poses every time.

He knows more than mom and dad all of a sudden and is very unhappy when we tell him otherwise.

He doesn’t like loud noises unless he is the one making them.

He would eat nothing but bologna and cheese sandwiches if we let him get away with it.

He would wear only sweatpants and t-shirts if it weren’t for the required school uniform.

He loves his family immensely, including his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

He is incredibly smart, and is now reading and writing words and sentences.

He is better at video games than I am.

He is obsessed with all things Mario and Luigi.

He adores his little sister, even though when asked he’ll tell you he doesn’t like her.

He is still so little and vulnerable, even though he tries to act tough.

He is learning to deal with his anger in more appropriate ways.

He has almost made it through a full year of kindergarten, even though it has been scary and difficult.

He has started trying new foods again, even though 9 times out of 10 he’ll spit them right back out.

He wore blue jeans for the first time in over a year yesterday, because I asked him to for his school pictures. He didn’t complain and decided they weren’t so bad.

He held his little sister’s hand this morning when she was scared to go down the stairs by herself, and then opened the car door for her. This was after he corrected her for not saying please when she asked me for her cereal.

He is growing up, whether I like it or not.

He makes my heart swell with pride.


The last year has been a difficult one, but I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know if it is the OT sessions, the adaptations we’ve made both at home and at school, or just simply maturity on his part, but I’ve gone from feeling helpless to hopeful and that’s enough to get me through.


A Girl and Her Cat


During my last year of college I worked at a group home for developmentally disabled adults.  While there were no pets allowed in the house, there were two cats that sort of adopted the porch.  Eventually these two cats had a litter of kittens.  They were the most beautiful kittens I had ever seen and the first I had ever seen only hours after they were born.  There were only three in the litter and I had plans to keep two of them – one for me and one for my mom.  A co-worker was going to keep the third one.

The momma cat eventually started weaning the kittens and we decided it was about time for them to be taken to their respective homes.  I was heading home that weekend, so I had planned to take my two little furballs with me.  Unfortunately, either the momma cat or the baby kittens had other plans.  They disappeared the day before I was supposed to take them home.  We have no idea where they went.  They were just gone and I was devastated.

Not long after that, a co-worker and I were taking a group on an outing.  We had the van loaded up and just as we started pulling out of the driveway, we saw this little puff of white moving around in the grass.  We got out of the van to check it out and there stood the cutest little Siamese kitten.  I’ve always had a thing for Siamese cats and this little guy was just too cute.  He came right up to me and snuggled up in my arms.  My co-worker convinced me that it was a sign and that I should take him home.

That night he was officially named Pedro (anyone want to guess where that came from?) and he’s been with me ever since.  He was my “baby” before I ever had any human babies of my own and he has certainly seen me through some rough times in my life.  He always just seems to know when I’m feeling down and I’ve cried into his fur more times than I can count.

I guess that’s why it is so touching to me to see Evie really connecting to our animals, and especially to Pedro.  She absolutely loves Pedro.  If she spots him you can bet that she’s petting or hugging him.  She walks around asking “Where Pedro at?”  She loves him, just as I have for all these years.




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Love Notes

Be Mine
(scrapbook layout from Girl Talk’s Love Struck Valentine’s Album)

Dear Hubby,

On this Valentine’s Day, I just want to thank you for putting up with me.  I know I’m not always the best wife or the easiest person to get along with (especially when I’m pregnant).   You have shown a lot of patience lately and for that I’m very grateful.  I know I gripe and complain a lot, but regardless of what you think, I do actually appreciate you.  I know you don’t think I show it enough but I really do love you and need you.  I couldn’t make it through this world without you by my side.


p.s.  If you could have dinner ready when I get home, that would be great!

Dear Zachary,

You are without a doubt the light of my life.  Before you came along, I had no idea that I could love anyone as much as I love you.  There are days when you frustrate me to no end with your tantrums and stubbornness, but in the end all it takes is a hug to make me melt into a puddle and forgive you.  You are growing up so very fast that I can barely keep up.  You are quite the companion these days and I’m really going to miss all of the time we spend together after your baby sister arrives.  I guess that will make it even more special when we have a few quiet moments together, just the two of us.  I just hope you will always remember that you are my special boy and no one can take your place.


p.s.  Please go to bed on time tonight.  Your daddy deserves a little snuggling too and I would really like to watch Lost uninterrupted.  Thank you in advance.

Dear BabyG,

We have just about six weeks left on this little journey together.  Soon you will join your daddy, big brother, and I in the outside world.  Each day that goes by I feel a stronger and stronger bond with you.  As you move around and push on my belly I feel a connection with you that I just cannot explain.  When I place my hand on my belly, you often push back as if you are trying to reach out to me too.  Each time it happens feelings of love just wash over me.  You are the little girl that I have dreamed of my entire life and I can’t believe that my dream is finally becoming a reality.  You are already so very loved by so many people.  We absolutely cannot wait to meet you.


p.s.  Feel free to start knocking on that door a couple weeks early if you are ready.  I would love to have you here by Easter if at all possible.

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