I’m not sure why I always seem to think that things will calm down in the Fall, because the opposite seems to happen instead. Between school activities, soccer practice and games, church activities, the usual errand running, and visiting with family we just keep going and going and going. Weekends are packed so full that we have very little down time. By Sunday night I end up cranky and exhausted. Add that to the fact that my allergies are insane right now and I’m stressed and not sleeping well at night. So yeah, I’m really pleasant to be around. Just ask my husband and kids.
I’m still wading through this book and trying to figure out what an SPD diagnosis might mean for Zach. I’ve made an appointment to get started with the evaluation process, but the first available appointment isn’t until December 9th, so we still have a wait on that. Parent/teacher conferences are this week at school, and I plan to discuss this more with his teacher during that time. The director of his before/after school program is making some accommodations for him as well and I’m really hoping that this will make the school day easier for him. Right now the unknown is the hard part. His behaviors have gotten worse instead of better lately, but I question everything. Is that behavior because of a sensory thing or just a 5-year-old boy reacting to emotions he doesn’t know how to handle? It all leaves me frustrated because I don’t know how to handle his behavior. I certainly don’t want to punish him for something that he really has no control over; yet, if it is something he can control, I don’t want to just let it go. I wish I just had someone to tell me – when he does this, you do this. Guess that’s not going to happen though.
In the meantime, I’m just trying to keep my head above water. My body is feeling the stress for sure. I’ve been eating like crap, let my running schedule slip into once a week, if that. I know that it is the exact opposite of what I need right now, but I think if I could sit around eating chocolate and sipping Diet Coke all day long I would. I just kind of need a break from everything, but that break is nowhere in sight right now.
At least while we’re going, going, going on the weekends we are having fun. I really need to learn to slow down and think more when I’m taking photos because a lot of these didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to, but at least there were a few keepers from the weekend.
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