Chances are if you have a little girl you’ve seen all the adorable boutique bows available. They’re all over Etsy. In fact, my own cousin runs TippyToesBowtique, where she sells bows, tutus, headbands, beanies, and other cute accessories.
I’ve been waiting since Evie was born (ok, so maybe I’ve been waiting longer than that!) to have a little girl with hair that I can play with. Seriously, I was the kid that only wanted dolls with long hair so I could style it. I think all of my dolls and barbies had hair cuts by the time I was done with them too.
I’ve been waiting quite patiently for Evie’s hair to grow out so that I could put some adorable little bows in it and the day has finally come. There’s not a lot of hair, but enough I can put a clip in it!
Even though we have several bows from my cousin’s shop, I decided I wanted to make a few of my own. They look pretty simple to make and I wanted some that matched her Christmas outfits. I picked up some cheap ribbon and alligator clips, got out the hot glue gun, and went to town. It took me a while to figure out exactly how to put everything together, but I think my first efforts came out ok.
A couple nights later I gave it another try and came up with these:
So far my hair clips have gotten rave reviews. I love being able to say that I made them myself when someone asks where I got them.
I think they turned out all right, but I do want to make some changes the next time around. For starters, I’m thinking using fabric glue instead of hot glue for some parts might reduce a little of the bulk. If anyone has any expert tips, feel free to share!