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Tag: change is good

The 2011 and Beyond Plan

This year there are no resolutions, no goals, no deadlines.  This year there is a plan, but I’m calling it the 2011 and Beyond Plan.  There is a beginning, because everything has to start somewhere, but there is no end.  This plan is a life-changing, adapting as time goes by, kind of plan.  Because, after all, I know myself and I never, ever, ever stick to goals, resolutions, or any of that New Year’s mumbo jumbo.  Mostly, these are just simple things that I want to do more of (things that I should have been doing all along), plus a few new things that I think will bring a nice balance to my life.  There are a few goalish sounding things included, but they are there just as reminders of things I would like to accomplish in time.

  • Education & Skills
    • Take more artistic, meaningful, thought out photos – In other words, have a purpose – don’t just click, click, click
    • Educate myself more about natural lighting, color management, and editing photos
    • Research requirements of owning/operating a small business
    • Take an advanced photography class
  • Body
    • Develop healthier eating habits – more fruits and veggies, less pizza and cheeseburgers
    • Start running again – I stopped due to laziness and a foot problem, but I’m ready to rock it again!
    • Get more sleep (this may be unattainable, but I need to try)
    • Run Race for the Cure and at least one other 5K every year
  • Mind
    • Journal
    • Read more books, read less online
    • Be a better friend – pick up the phone more often, make plans to get together and actually do it
    • Learn to say NO when I simply don’t want to do something or don’t have the time to do it – stop over committing
  • Family & Household
    • Be more patient with my children (and husband)
    • Focus on spending quality time with the kids and husband (no iphone, computer, tv)
    • Learn to create and stick to a budget – I have failed at this so many times, but really need to do it.
    • DE-CLUTTER my house – I may have to call in a professional on this one!
    • Print photos and put in albums or make photo books
  • Professional
    • Get paid to do something I love doing
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