I had planned to write more about our trip tonight, but unfortunately our 3 1/2 hour drive home turned into a 6 hour drive. There were five wrecks on the highway between St. Louis and Columbia which really slowed us down. Add that to the holiday traffic and the drive was pretty much a disaster. Once we got a little ways past Columbia things cleared up, but it still nearly doubled our driving time.
We had planned to get home in time to spend a couple of hours with Zach before his bed time but that didn’t really work out. Instead, he ended up staying up extra late because he was pretty wound up after we finally got home. He was definitely happy to see Mom and Dad after two days away and I was absolutely thrilled to see him. Fortunately, Grandma had already brought him home and had him in his jammies when we got here so we got to spend some time playing. It is already 10:30 and he’s just now getting settled down into bed. We should have a lovely Monday morning ahead of us.
The good news is that Hubby and I had a good time in St. Louis. It was nice to spend some time together where we didn’t have to try to talk over a screaming toddler for once. It seems like Zachary also had a really great time at grandma’s, although he did end up getting sick to his stomach Saturday night. He’s feeling much better though and was his usual happy self when we got home.
I now feel like I need another day off before heading back to work, but I guess that isn’t really an option. I really hate Mondays.
We spent Saturday night in St. Louis at Cliff’s sister’s house, on our way home from Georgia. I guess it’s a good thing we headed home at 4 A.M!