A while back I finally gave in and started using those cool RSS feeds that people have on their blogs. I had toyed with the idea of using a feed reader for a while and checked out a couple but never really found one that I liked. But, because of this I was determined that I would find a way to reduce my blog reading time and I figured that using a reader would help. During my search for the best feed reader ever, I discovered the Google Reader. I’ve become rather fond of Gmail recently, so I figured I would give it a shot. It was really easy to add new feeds and I loved the simple, easy-on-the-eyes look of it.
In the last month or so since I’ve been using it, I have totally fallen in love with it. I don’t spend nearly as much time checking and re-checking my favorite sites for updates. All I have to do is go to my reader and the newest updates are already there. The best part is, whether I’m at the office or at home, I can log in to the site and read up without trying to remember everyone’s web addresses. Plus, I just discovered that I can also read it on my phone, but the speed of my cellular internet connection makes that pretty much pointless.
The only downside that I have found to using the reader is that I don’t comment on other blogs nearly as much as I used to. When I read a post I think that I’ll go comment later, but I usually end up forgetting. Plus, I also miss looking at everyone’s cool blog designs. Maybe I think too much like a designer, but to me, I think you get more of a person’s personality through their design and the "extras" on their blog site. That’s not enough to get me to stop using the reader though. I still click through and visit the original sites occasionally.
I kind of feel like I’m cheating on Yahoo! a bit, because I have always loved Yahoo! but Google is starting to win my heart a little bit.