So it appears that I may have gotten in a little over my head with the Grace Beanie. It didn’t look that hard from the pattern, but apparently I’m more of a novice than I like to admit. I did my swatch for gauge, then started in on the beanie. What I didn’t do was practice the heart pattern. That part didn’t go so well.
I was knitting along as happy as could be on the beanie when I discovered that the heart pattern wasn’t looking so much like a heart. The holes in the pattern weren’t lining up correctly. Trying not to get frustrated, I pulled out my trusty knitting books and double checked to make sure I was doing the slip, slip, knit and the yarn overs correctly. Apparently I was doing something funky with the yarn overs, so I decided to back up a bit and rip.
With my new knowledge, I started in again. It still didn’t line up. I decided to put down the beanie I was working on and grab a different yarn so I could see my stitches better. I figured I would make a quick swatch of the heart pattern and figure out what I was doing wrong. Three tries later and I still can’t seem to get it to come out right. At this point, I figure either the pattern is wrong or I am just doing it wrong. What do you want to bet it is the latter?
I’m still working on it though. I refuse to give up because I really want to make the beanie. In fact I have plans to make several of them if I can ever get it right. It is times like these when I wish I had some knitting friends around here to help me out.
Technorati Tags: knitting, grace beanie, slip slip knit, yarn over