I’ve been spending a lot of time lately knitting hats. The weather turned colder, the knitting needles came out, and I haven’t really stopped since. A while back I ran across a hat pattern called the “Holly Hat” over at A Suburban Hippie’s Knitting Blog. It’s a very basic knitted hat pattern with options for completing several different styles. If you want a basic hat pattern to go off of, this is it. I saved it to my iPhone so that I always have it with me if the mood to knit strikes.
My favorite is the rolled brim hat because it is super simple and quick to knit up. Plus, it’s super cute (especially on little girls, which I happen to have one of!). I’ve been knitting a ton of these lately – some for gifts and some specially requested by friends after seeing mine.
Next up I have to find some sort of simple scarf pattern. I had a request for a matching hat/scarf set and I’m stumped on how to do the scarf. Simple stockinette won’t work as it rolls. I could do a k1, p1, ribbing, but that would get a little boring after a while. I need it to be a quick knit as I have a stack of Christmas gifts planned that I haven’t started on yet, but I don’t want it to be boring either. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be happy to take it!
**If you’re reading through a feed reader, I’d love it if you’d click through and check out the new site layout! I finally switched Getting Crafty over to Thesis theme (one of the best WordPress themes in my opinion) and would love to hear what you think. There’s still a few quirky spacing issues I have to figure out in the sidebar and I may add a few more things there, but it’s mostly ready for viewing.

Are you on Ravelry? If you are, look up the Drop Stitch Scarf pattern. I’ve been dying to try that one… I’ve seen so many friends do that one and it ALWAYS turns out gorgeous! 🙂
Thanks Marilyn! I’ll have to look that one up and see if it will work with my yarn. 🙂
[…] Hats, Hats, and More Hats […]